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Short Tip: The communication process with stakeholders and customers about product discontinuation.

What is it?

It is the internal and external communication process with users, customers, employees and partners about the product’s discontinuation. Anyone who is potentially impacted, whether positively or negatively, must be communicated in a timely, adequate manner.

Why use it?

It is still common to see the discontinuation of products or initiatives where the target audience or employees are unaware of the fact, its reasons and alternatives. The lack of such information can cause frustration and undermine the organization’s image.

How to use it?

The process must be carried out according to the characteristics of the product or initiative.

In projects with many stakeholders or more complex communication characteristics, a communication model can be designed based on the PMBOK’s communication plan or using the 5W2H technique:

  • What
  • Why
  • Who
  • When
  • Where
  • How
  • How much