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User and Customer Feedback

 Short Tip: Checking with the target audience about the value generated by product use.

What is it?

It is the process of collecting and analyzing data from the target audience on the value generated by the use of the product or prototype. It is important to distinguish user feedback (from the person actually using the product) and buyer or customer feedback (from the person who pays for the product). Feedback is usually collected from the product’s end users, however, depending on the product, buyers should also be consulted.

Why use it?

Feedback allows testing hypotheses used by the team since the solution’s conception. The earlier in the process the need for adjustments is perceived, the faster the product will be adapted, with lower costs and greater value to the customer.

How to use it?

There are several feedback collection techniques, depending on the characteristic of the product or solution. Among them are:

  • Interviewing users and buyers;
  • Focus Groups with customers, forming small groups for discussion and experimentation;
  • In-person or virtual usability testing;
  • A/B tests, where part of your audience receives a new version with the increment or solution, and usage behavior is evaluated;
  • Questionnaires, especially digital ones, in order to collect a large volume of responses.